Friday 2 March 2012

PowerPoint Presentation and Feedback

It is the halfway point in the project and that meant that it was time to create a presentation to introduce my character to the rest of the class. After the presentation, I received both positive and negative feedback which I am going to reflect upon and modify my design.

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4
  • Good idea. 
  • Gone into sufficient depth of detail with the character analysis.
  • Penguin model is coming along well, just needs to be boned before the animation can go ahead.
  • Note that any extra parts to the animation will not obtain any extra marks (for example, the igloo and the surrounding areas).
  • Make sure that my idea will fit within the 30 second - 1 minute time length.
Reflection Upon Feedback
I am really looking forward to beginning the animation stages of my penguin. All I need to do now is create the remaining components for the scene I have chosen to develop and animate. The next blog post (which will be brief) will show my environment and the extra models created within it.

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