Monday 30 April 2012


During this evaluation, my strengths and weaknesses throughout the 3D Character Animation module will be addressed, along with any improvements which can be learnt from and carried forward into similar projects in the future.

My Strengths

During this module, I really improved on my research and modelling skills. In order to create a successful villain character, research had to be undertaken into how existing villains are portrayed, how body language impacts on the way a person comes across and which muscles are used in the face to give expressions and emotions. This then had to be applied to a 3D Studio Max model which I felt I accomplished well.

I ensured that any information I discovered and any new skills I learnt were placed on my blog as evidence of my progress, and to use in the future as a reference in case I struggled with applying the tutorials in class to my own model. However because of this, I did not run into many problems, especially not with the modelling stages.

Because I am quite familiar with 3D Studio Max due to previous modules, it meant that I did not have to spend any extra time learning how to use the software, just learning new skills and methods of improving previously obtained skills, such as skinning and boning.

My Weaknesses
My main weakness was that I spent too much time trying to fix issues with the animation, which put me behind schedule. My tutor was also unsure why my penguin model would not animate with bones, biped or CAT systems. This setback meant that previous work (design work and modelling work) had to be scrapped and an alternative had to be found, which merely involved facial expressions and a monologue.

Due to this setback, it meant that less time could be spent on the alternative so the end product was not as good as I had originally hoped. However, I hope this is a lesson which will be learnt from in the future, as not much time was allowed in case I had trouble with the animation process.

Time management
Considering the major issue during this module, I believe that I managed to achieve as much as I possibly could using the time and resources available to me.

  • More time will be allocated to the project in case anything untoward goes wrong in the future.
  • If any issues arise that cannot be fixed within a certain amount of time, more work should be completed in the mean time until a fix or a work around is found.

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